
Anxiety can take many forms and show up across several contexts. We may experience it as racing thoughts, uncomfortable or concerning body sensations, a constant fatigue, or a general unease.

Anxiety can be specific to an event or situation, or it can be more general, showing up in many different aspects of our lives.

Depending on the type of anxiety and how it shows up, we have different approaches and protocols we can draw on, most of them are related to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Here are some of the forms of anxiety that I treat:

  • Social or Performance Anxiety - Occurs in social situations or in situations where you have to perform in from of other people (fear of judgment or criticism)

  • General Anxiety - occurs in several areas of life as worry that feels very difficult to manage, about finances, health, the future, death, failure, catastrophes, the worst happening, etc.

  • Panic and Panic Disorder - often mistaken for a heart attack or a heart condition, it’s an intense physical anxiety reaction that seems to come out of nowhere, characterized by shortness of breath, shakiness or tremors, dizzyness. It’s often very responsive to treatment.

  • Chronic Stress - this form of anxiety can be prolonged and often occurs the context of job or career, but can also be present with family and family stress

  • Burnout - when folks feel completely exhausted and unfulfilled in their career or life in general. There is often a lead up to burnout and a lot of strategies that can be applied to help.